Upcoming presentations
2024 "Tingenes Tilstand: 7 tv-trender på R", presentation for Warner Bros Discovery, Oslo, 6 December.
Previous presentations
2024 "Den globale mediegenerasjonen: Finnes det en "hjemmefordel" for norsk medieinnhold?", presentation for the Language Council of Norway (Språkrådet), Oslo, 21 November.
2024 "Globalt innfødte: Ungdom, plattformer og underholdning", talk at the Norwegian Cinema Conference 2024, Lillehammer 5 November.
2024 "Tingenes Tilstand: 7 tendenser på R", talk at Seriedagene, Oslo, 26 September.
2024 "The platformisation of youth entertainment", presentation with Marika Lüders at ECREA pre-conference "Digital Content Creators, Platforms and Changing Cultural Institutions" at ECREA, Ljubljana, 24 September.
2024 "Tre bransjestrategier for å nå de unge", presentation for the Nowegian Tax Adminisation (Skatteetaten), Oslo, 27 May.
2024 "Fra EXIT til Luksusfellen? Med strømming har norsk drama gått fra gullalder til tøff tid på kort tid", presentation at Norwegian Film Association's (Norsk Filmforbund) General Assembly, Oslo, 22 May.
2024 "Exploring screen entertainment from a combined industry-youth perspective" paper presentation with Marika Lüders in panel "Screen entertainment among new generations: Audience preferences and industry responses" with Jeanette Steemers, Jakob Freudendal, Pia Majbritt Jensen, Marika Lüders, Andrea Esser, Luca Barra and Emiliano Rossi at the Media Industries Conference, London, 16-19 April.
2024 "Influencer autonomy: Navigating authenticity, agencies, and algorithms" paper presentation with Kari Steen-Johnsen in panel "Discussing autonomy in media industries - organisational and technological conditions" with Mads Møller T. Andersen, Kari Steen-Johnsen, Jenny Wiik and Lynge Stegger Gemzøe at the Media Industries Conference, London, 16-19 April.
2024 "Hvordan nå den unge målgruppa?" presentation at OsloMet kommunikasjonsnettverk, Oslo, 17 January.
2024 "Tre bransjestrategier for å nå de unge", presentation at Medietrender 2024, organised by Kantar Media, Oslo, 11 January.
2023 "Global Natives - Hvem er fremtidens publikum, og hvordan når vi dem?", presentation for Produsentforeningen Virke, Oslo, 13 Desember.
2023 "Fremtidens publikum: Hva er barne- og ungdomsfilm i dag? Og hva vil vi med filmene vi lager for de unge?", panel discussion with Cecilie Aspenes, Lars Ole Kristiansen and Lars Gudmestad at Spillefilmdagen 2023, organised by the Norwegian Film Institute, Oslo, 4 December.
2023 "Tingenes tilstand: Vinteren har kommet", short presentation at Seriedagene, Oslo 28 September.
2023 "Hvordan skal norske filmer, serier og spill bli synlige i strømmen?", panel discussion at Folks Medievaner, organised by Strategi- og analyseforeningen, Oslo, 28 September.
2023 "Perspektiver på barn og unges medievaner", presentation at seminar I strømmen av innhold. 7-14 åringenes forhold til film, serier og spill, organised by the Norwegian Film Institute, Oslo, 21 September.
2023 "Growing up on big tech: How global platforms define youth entertainment culture", keynote at the Nordmedia conference, Bergen 18 August.
2023 "Influencer autonomy: Navigating authenticity, agencies, and algorithms", paper presentation in panel on "Technological and organisational conditions for autonomy in media industries" with Mads Møller T. Andersen, Nina Vindum Rasmussen and Jenny Wiik at the Nordmedia conference, Bergen 16-18 August.
2023 "Audience and fan studies: Methodological reflections", presentation at DIGISCREEN's Kick-off workshop, Tallinn, 30-31 May.
2023 "Industry studies and elite/exclusive interviews: Methodological reflections", presentation at DIGISCREEN's Kick-off workshop, Tallinn, 30-31 May.
2023 "Commissioning Screen Stories", paper presentation in panel on "Screen Story Strategies in the 21st Century" with Amanda Lotz, Anna Potter and Eva Novrup Redvall at the SCMS conference, Denver, 12-14 April.
2023 "Let's talk screenwriting: Screenwriting for children and teenagers", panel discussion at the online panel series "Let's talk screenwriting" organised by Utrecht Univeristy, 27 March.
2022 "Unge som innfødte i en global mediekultur?", presentation at Information and communication division at Stortinget's (Norwegian Parliament), Oslo, 20 December.
2022 "Hvis influenser er svaret, hva var spørsmålet?", presentation at NRK Underholdning, Oslo, 5 December.
2022 "Hvis influenser er svaret, hva var spørsmålet? Mediefrokost om jakten på de unge", presentation with Taina Bucher and discussion with Bahare Viken (NRK), Karl Oskar Teien (Schibsted) and Cornelia Kristiansen (M24) at Domus Bibliotheca, Oslo, 29 November.
2022 "Ungdom + underholdning = sant", presentation at Ungdatakonferansen, Oslo, 16 November.
2022 "Playing the game while staying true: Personally branded media producers navigating across platforms", paper presentation at the ECREA 2022 conference, Aarhus, 19-22 October.
2022 "10 år med strømming: Hva nå?", panel discussion with Cecilie Asker (Aftenposten), Håkon Lund Sørensen (NRK) and Anders Tangen (producer) at Seriedagene, Oslo, 15 September.
2022 "Television drama in the age of streaming", presentation for YLE (Finnish Broadcasting Company), online, 3 June.
2022 "The 'adoption' of personally branded media players in the Norwegian television industry", paper presentation with Marika Lüders accepted for ICA post-conference Global Perspectives on Platforms and Cultural Production, Amsterdam, 1-2 June.
2022 "Changing Production Cultures: A view from the Norwegian industry", presentation at the PhD School on Transnational VoD cultures, Aarhus University, online, 30 May-1 June.
2022 "'Young people are on YouTube': Industry notions on streaming and youth as a new media generation", paper presentation with Marika Lüders accepted for the ICA 2022 conference, Paris, 26-30 May.
2022 "Unge er på YouTube: Bransjeforestillinger om strømming og unge som en ny mediegenerasjon", presentation with Marika Lüders at X-IMK Fagdag "Hvordan nå de unge?", Oslo, 17 March.
2022 "Rådebanke: Store gutter gråter også", interview with Linn-Jeanethe Kyed (Rådebank) at Medietrender 2022, Oslo, 12 January.
2021 "Unge som 'innfødte' i en global mediekultur" introduction at Kringkastingsrådet, NRK, Oslo, 23 November.
2021 "Book presentation: Television Drama in the Age of Streaming", presentation at the Center for Medier og Innovation, Danmarks Medie- og Journalitsthøjskole, 23 November (online).
2021 "Norsk tv-drama i strømmingens tidsalder - konsekvenser for produksjon, publisering og publikum" keynote at BAM! 2021: Utfordringer, trender og muligheter i norsk film, TV og spillbransje, Inland Norway University of Applied Science, Lillehammer, 22 November.
2021 "Pørni - Breaking All the Records", interview with Henriette Steensrup (Pørni) and Vivild Falk Berg (Pørni) at THIS Series, Aarhus, 29 October.
2021 "Exit - Creating the Biggest Streaming Success of NRK", interview with Petter Testmann-Kock (Fremantle Norway) and Marianne Furevold-Boland (NRK Drama) at THIS Series, Aarhus, 29 October.
2021 "PSB and Young Audiences", commentary to Lizzie Jackson's talk "Bricolage & Fluidity: Towards 'Post Channel' PSM?" at the IAPMR@Dialogues, 26 October (online).
2021 "'Youthification' of television through online drama and real-time storytelling", talk at the International Institute for Popular Culture (IIPC) Debate series, University of Turku, 11 October (online).
2021 "Unge strømmere: Hvem er de og hvordan nå dem?", talk at Seriedagene, Oslo, 30 September.
2021 "Television Drama in the Age of Streaming" and "The Legacy of SKAM", guest lectures at the Department of Media and Communication, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 21 and 23 September.
2021 "Produktion, publicering og deltagelse i tværmedialt tv", guest lecture at the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 22 September.
2021 "Den digitale offentligheten - hovedfunn fra forskningsprosjekt", presentation with Rune Karlsen for the Department of Media and the Art at the Norwegian Ministry of Culture, Oslo, 17 September.
2021 "Unge som innfødte i en global mediekultur", talk with Marika Lüders at Medietrender Ung, Oslo, 26 August.
2021 "Cross-industry research on streaming services for music, television, film and digital books", paper presentation with Terje Colbjørnsen and Marika Lüders at the Nordmedia conference, Reykjavik, 18-20 August (online).
2021 "Young streamers and key industry lessons", paper presentation at the Critical Studies in Television biennial conference, Edge Hill University, 19 July-6 August (online).
2021 "Book launch: Television drama in the age of streaming", discussion with Ivar Køhn (NRK Drama), Knut Næsheim (NRK) and Trine Syvertsen (UiO) at "Hvordan har strømming endret mediebransjene?", Oslo, 11 June.
2021 "Populærkulturens norrøne arv", interview with Anne Bjørnstad (Rubicon TV) and Mona Ringvej (author) at Norsk litteraturfestival 2021, Lillehammer, 27 May.
2020 "Inn og ut av transmedia fanfelleskap: Studier av SKAM fans", talk at NiS (Netværksmedier i samfundet) project meeting, SDU, 9 December (online).
2020 "Young streamers and key industry lessons", talk at Aarhus Series Festival, Aarhus, 30 October.
2020 "A new sheriff in Town: Disney Pluss lanseres i Norge", discussion with Cecilie Asker (Aftenposten) and Asbjørn Slettemark (journalist) at Seriedagene, Oslo, 24 September (online).
2020 "Streaming across industries: A cross-industry study of streaming strategies and working notions in the music, television and book industries", paper presentation with Terje Colbjørnsen at the ECREA conference, Bragda, 2-5 October. Canceled due to the corona virus.
2020 "Muligheter, utfordringer og norske suksesshistorier", talk for Døves Media, Kleivstua, 1 June.
2020 "Web series and young audience fiction", presentation at Media economics and Audiovisual production day organized by imec-SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 14 May. Canceled due to the corona virus.
2020 "Innovation in Access and Discoverability of PSM Content", participation at the workshop organized by InnoPSB, London, 15 April. Canceled due to the corona virus.
2020 "Global super players in small nations: Industry tensions and opportunities for policy change", paper presentation with Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk at the Media Industry Conference, London, 16-18 April. Canceled due to the corona virus.
2020 "The streaming super users? Profiling heavy streaming users and their motivations across media industries", paper presentation with Marika Lüders at the Media Industry Conference, London, 16-18 April. Canceled due to the corona virus.
2020 "Innovation and co-creation with young people", participation at workshop organized by InnoPSB, Helsinki, 20-21 February.
2019 "The second wave: The development of real-time online drama", talk at the this.series conference, Aarhus, 29-30 October.
2019 "The youtification of television and screen culture", keynote at the Television Studies Section of ECREA, Groningen, 24-25 October.
2019 "The streaming super user: Profiling heavy streaming users and their motivations across media industries", paper presentation with Marika Lüders and Terje Colbjørnsen, Nordmedia, Malmö, 21-23 August.
2019 "Ins and outs of transmedia fandom: Motives for entering and exiting the SKAM fan community", paper presentation with Line Nybro Petersen, Nordmedia, Malmö 21-23 August.
2019 "Policy windows and converging frames: How media industry players frame digitalization and the need for policy actions", paper presentation with Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk and Kari Steen-Johnsen, ICA 2019, Washington, 24-28 May.
2019 "Digitalization and diversity: A case study of policy incentives in the news sector", paper presentation with Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk and Kari Steen-Johnsen, Riding or Lashing The Waves: Regulating Media for Diversity in a Time of Uncertainty, ICA Pre-conference, Washington, 23 May.
2019 "Fankultur i den digitale tidsalder", talk at Medietrender 2019, Oslo, 10 January.
2018 "'The Second Wave': The Development of Real-Time Online Drama", talk at The Future of TV Drama Formats - Disruptive Forces and New Opportunities in a shifting TV Market, Media City Bergen, 31 October.
2018 "Den andre bølgen. Nettdramas utvikling", talk at Nordiske seriedager, Oslo, 27 September.
2018 "Exporting Nordic Values - Online Teen Drama and Fan Culture", talk at this.conference, Aarhus, 13 September.
2018 "Producing online youth fiction in a Nordic public service context", paper presentation with Mads Møller Andersen, Transnational Television Drama Conference, Aarhus, 6 June.
2018 "'We have a crisis. Again!' How Norwegian media industry players talk about media change and the need for policy actions", paper presentation with Kari Steen-Johnsen at Media Industries Conference, London, 18-20 April.
2018 "Television and co-productions", partaking in round-table at the Global Television TV Series Conference, Paris, 15 January.
2017 Branchemøde om SKAM, talk at VIA Film & Transmedia, Aarhus, 16 November.
2017 "Når seere blir fans", talk for IFPI (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry), Oslo, 2 November.
2017 "Fortellinger, fans og felleskap: SKAM i spennfeltet mellom seer og serie", talk for Monster Productions, Oslo, 26 October.
2017 "Fortellinger, fans og felleskap", talk at Nordiske seriedager, Oslo, 21 September.
2017 "Plattformer og deres målgrupper: SKAM", talk with Mari Magnus (Online producer of SKAM) at the seminar "Bransjedagene 2017", Lillehammer, 7 September.
2017 "Hvordan kan kulturforskningen bidra i regjeringes langtidsplan for forskning og høyere utdanning?", panelist at the Ministry of Culture's cultural research policy seminar, Oslo, 6 September.
2017 "Hva kan vi lære av SKAM?", talk at the seminar "'Den nordiske broen' - Hvordan løfte nordisk innhold i den digitale tidsalderen?", part of the Norwegian International Film Festival, Haugesund, 21 August.
2017 "Når seere blir fans", talk for Egmont, 17 August.
2017 "Digitalization, globalization and the condition for national media policies - a field perspective", paper with Kari Steen-Johnsen presented at the NoPSA conference, Odense, 8-11 August.
2017 "SKAM – et sted å være, en ting å gjøre. Et akademisk blikk på publikum som fans", talk at the Kantar TNS seminar "Medietrender Ung", Oslo, 14 June.
2017 "SKAM i sosiale medier: Spennfeltet mellom seer og serie", talk at NRK Fagdag, Oslo, 8 June.
2017 "Commissioning creativity: Strategic interventions in public service drama", panel presentation at the ICA 2017 Conference Interventions: Communication Research and Practice, San Diego, 25-29 May.
2017 "SKAM i sosiale medier: Spennfeltet mellom seer og serie", talk at the internal NRK serminar "Drama på tvers", Oslo, 23 May.
2017 "Transnational circulation and unexpected success stories", talk at the PhD seminar "Transnational Television: Changing condition and research challengs: Production, creativity, distribution and reception", Aarhus, 14-17 May.
2017 "'SKAM - flermedialitet, sanntid og eventifisering", talk at the seminar "SKAM set med mediebriller!", Schæffergården, Gentofte, 26 April.
2017 "From 'secret' online teen drama to international cult phenomenon: The global expansion of SKAM and its public service mission", paper presentation at the the Conference Researching Media Companies Producing Audiovisual Content, Lillehammer, 20-21 April.
2017 "SKAM + Norden = Sant", talk at the seminar "SKAMdinavia! Den nabosprogmæssige betydning af SKAM", Schæffergården, Gentofte, 5 April.
2017 "SKAM: Fra hemmelig nettdrama til internasjonalt kultfenomen", keynote at the seminar "SKAM - en norsk public service succes", København Universitet, København, 3 April.
2017 "SKAM - bakgrunn, fortellergrep og internasjonal suksess", talk on the Norwegian youth series "SKAM" at the workshop "Norsk språk, kultur og samfunnsliv", Voksenåsen, 9 February.
2017 "SKAM - bakgrunn, fortellergrep og internasjonal suksess", talk on the Norwegian youth series "SKAM" at the workshop "Norsk språk, kultur og samfunnsliv", Lysebu, 16 January, 2 March and 17 March.
2016 "Broadcasting, the welfare state and media ecosystems: Changes and challenges for public service broadcasting", paper presentation with Trine Syvertsen at the ECREA 2016 conference Mediated (Dis)Continuities: Contesting Pasts, Presents and Futures, Prague, 9-12 November.
2016 "Production cultures across Europe: Investigating and analyzing successful companies from the independent film and television industries", panel at the ECREA 2016 conference Mediated (Dis)Continuities: Contesting Pasts, Presents and Futures, Prague, 9-12 November.
2016 "SKAM", talk on the Norwegian youth series "SKAM" (with Lucia Odoom and Lynge Stegger Gemzøe) at the festival Nordiske Nätter, Aarhus, 5 November.
2016 "Netflix – den frække dreng i klassen (Lilyhammer, Oljebarna & SKAM)", open lecture at Aarhus University, 4 November.
2016 "How to measure 'success' in transnational co-productions", presentation at the the research workshop Researching Transnational Media Circulations, Aarhus, 20 September.
2016 "The Costs of Transnational Success: How Netflix went from Companion to Competitor during the Production of Lilyhammer", presentation at the ICA 2016 conference Communication with Power, Japan, 9-13 June.
2016 "New production and distribution models in television drama: Or how a US mafia boss made Lilyhammer Netflix’s “first Original Series”", presentation at the Television in Small Nations Workshop, Cardiff, 1-2 March.
2015 "'Front potential' as a new success criterion in web-TV: Production and publishing practices in VGTV", paper presented at the RISJ conference Negotiating Culture: Integrating legacy and digital cultures in news media, Oxford, 28-30 October.
2015 "New production and distribution models in television drama: An analysis of the collaboration between Rubicon, NRK and Netflix in the making of "Lilyhammer"", paper presented at the symposium Crime Pays, Crime Days, Aarhus, 1-2 October.
2015 "How to measure “success”? Media innovation, television consumption, and the challenges of defining “the audience” in a digitalized and converged media marked", paper presented at the NordMedia conference, Copenhagen 13-15 August.
2015 "New production and distribution models in television drama: Or how a US mafia boss made "Lilyhammer" the "first original Netlix series", paper presented at the NordMedia conference, Copenhagen 13-15 August.
2015 "Transnational production and distribution models in television drama: Or how a US mafia boss put “Lilyhammer” on the map", paper presented at the TV in the age of transnationalisation and transmedialisation conference, London 22-23 June.
2015 "Still “Desperately Seeking the Audience”: Audience Making in Digitalized Television Production Cultures", paper presented at the New Directions in Film & Television Production Studies conference, Bristol 14-15 April.
2015 "Building media engagement in the age of big data: Or, the challenges of serving an online and interactive television audience", paper presented at the Media Engagement conference, Lund 19 March.
2014 "Profesjonsutvikling i fjernsynsbransjen", paper presented at Norsk medieforskerkonferanse, Trondheim, 23-24 October.
2010 with Jon Bjørtift & Arne Krumsvik "Forutsetinger for fortjeneste: En analyse av ulike delmarkeder i den norske mediebransjen", paper presented at Norsk medieforskerkonferanse, Ålesund 28-29 October.
2010 with Ole J. Mjøs & Hallvard Moe "The Functions of Buzzwords: A Comparison of Web 2.0 and Telematics", paper presented at Norsk medieforskerkonferanse, Ålesund 28-29 October.
2010 with Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk "'The Professionalism of 'Ordinariness': Managing a non-professional media career", paper presented at the ECREA conference, Hamburg 12-16 October.
2010 "Nye medier sett gjennom gamle mediers øyne", paper presented at the seminar Om journalistikkens utfordringer; Lysebu 13-14 September.
2009 with Gunn Enli, Hallvard Moe & Trine Syvertsen "Fears and Fascinations: Five debates about television", paper presented at the Ends of Television conference, Amsterdam, 29-1 July.
2009 "Hva betyr de sosiale mediene for den politiske journalistikken i de tradisjonelle mediene", presentation at Stortingets presselosje, Oslo, 17 November.
2007 "Konsepter for brukergenerert innhold. Eksperimentet Rubenmann", presentation at New Media Network, Oslo, 5 December.
2007 with Tanja Storsul "The mobile media market - how open? A study of Telenor's mobile media strategies", paper presented at the CICT 4th International Conference on Mobile Media, Copenhagen, 29-30 November.
2007 "Brukergenerert innhold og communities på mobilen", presentation at the seminar Når dialog endrer mediene, Oslo, 20 September.
2007 "Eksperimentet "Rubenmann". Plattformekspansjon, innovasjon og publikumsdeltakelse i NRK", paper presented at the NordMedia conference, Helsinki, 16-18 August.
2006 "Etablerte medieinstitusjoners satsning på nye medieplattformer", presentation at RAMs annual meeting, Oslo, 28 November.
2006, "The dream of mobile TV: Established media institutions' development of mobile media", paper presented at the RIPE@2006 Conference, Amsterdam, 16-18 November.
2006 "Interesser og posisjoneringsstrategier i digital-TV-markedet", panel at the Landsrådet i Norsk Journalistlag, Oslo 14 November.
2006 with Arnt Maasø & Trine Syvertsen "'Noe for alle. Alltid' - Ti grunner til at mediebransjen satser på publikumdeltakelse", paper presented at Norsk medieforskerkonferanse, Bergen, 19-20 October.
2006 "The dream of mobil TV: Established media institutions' development of mobile media", paper presented at Norsk medieforskerkonferanse, Bergen, 19-20 October.
2006 with Espen Ytreberg "Jakten på superbrukeren - hvem er de mest aktive mediedeltakerne?", paper presented at the seminar Mediedeltakeren - et medievitenskapelig formidlingsseminar, Oslo 21 September.
2006 with Espen Ytreberg "Born to participate", paper presented at the ESF SCSS Exploratory Workshop ("Public Participation in Multi-Platform Media"), Lysebu, 1-3 September.
2006 "Multi-platform formats and audience participation in press and television: Perceptions of benefits, successful formats and business models", paper presented at the COST A20 Conference, Delphi, 26-28 April.
2006 "Hva skjer med konkurransen mellom TV-tilbyderne når det digitale bakkenettet er i gang?", presentation at Digital TV Forum. Oslo, 15 February.
2005 with Gunn Enli "Institutional strategies in times of regulatory change: Radio institutions battling for dominance in a political, symbolic, legal and economic arena", paper presented at the NordMedia conference, Aalborg, 11-14 November.
2003 "P4 - en allmennkringkaster? Allmennkringkastingsrådets syn på P4s sendinger i tiden 1995-2002", presentation at RAMs annual conference, Oslo, 5 November.
2024 "Globalt innfødte: Ungdom, plattformer og underholdning", talk at the Norwegian Cinema Conference 2024, Lillehammer 5 November.
2024 "Tingenes Tilstand: 7 tendenser på R", talk at Seriedagene, Oslo, 26 September.
2024 "The platformisation of youth entertainment", presentation with Marika Lüders at ECREA pre-conference "Digital Content Creators, Platforms and Changing Cultural Institutions" at ECREA, Ljubljana, 24 September.
2024 "Tre bransjestrategier for å nå de unge", presentation for the Nowegian Tax Adminisation (Skatteetaten), Oslo, 27 May.
2024 "Fra EXIT til Luksusfellen? Med strømming har norsk drama gått fra gullalder til tøff tid på kort tid", presentation at Norwegian Film Association's (Norsk Filmforbund) General Assembly, Oslo, 22 May.
2024 "Exploring screen entertainment from a combined industry-youth perspective" paper presentation with Marika Lüders in panel "Screen entertainment among new generations: Audience preferences and industry responses" with Jeanette Steemers, Jakob Freudendal, Pia Majbritt Jensen, Marika Lüders, Andrea Esser, Luca Barra and Emiliano Rossi at the Media Industries Conference, London, 16-19 April.
2024 "Influencer autonomy: Navigating authenticity, agencies, and algorithms" paper presentation with Kari Steen-Johnsen in panel "Discussing autonomy in media industries - organisational and technological conditions" with Mads Møller T. Andersen, Kari Steen-Johnsen, Jenny Wiik and Lynge Stegger Gemzøe at the Media Industries Conference, London, 16-19 April.
2024 "Hvordan nå den unge målgruppa?" presentation at OsloMet kommunikasjonsnettverk, Oslo, 17 January.
2024 "Tre bransjestrategier for å nå de unge", presentation at Medietrender 2024, organised by Kantar Media, Oslo, 11 January.
2023 "Global Natives - Hvem er fremtidens publikum, og hvordan når vi dem?", presentation for Produsentforeningen Virke, Oslo, 13 Desember.
2023 "Fremtidens publikum: Hva er barne- og ungdomsfilm i dag? Og hva vil vi med filmene vi lager for de unge?", panel discussion with Cecilie Aspenes, Lars Ole Kristiansen and Lars Gudmestad at Spillefilmdagen 2023, organised by the Norwegian Film Institute, Oslo, 4 December.
2023 "Tingenes tilstand: Vinteren har kommet", short presentation at Seriedagene, Oslo 28 September.
2023 "Hvordan skal norske filmer, serier og spill bli synlige i strømmen?", panel discussion at Folks Medievaner, organised by Strategi- og analyseforeningen, Oslo, 28 September.
2023 "Perspektiver på barn og unges medievaner", presentation at seminar I strømmen av innhold. 7-14 åringenes forhold til film, serier og spill, organised by the Norwegian Film Institute, Oslo, 21 September.
2023 "Growing up on big tech: How global platforms define youth entertainment culture", keynote at the Nordmedia conference, Bergen 18 August.
2023 "Influencer autonomy: Navigating authenticity, agencies, and algorithms", paper presentation in panel on "Technological and organisational conditions for autonomy in media industries" with Mads Møller T. Andersen, Nina Vindum Rasmussen and Jenny Wiik at the Nordmedia conference, Bergen 16-18 August.
2023 "Audience and fan studies: Methodological reflections", presentation at DIGISCREEN's Kick-off workshop, Tallinn, 30-31 May.
2023 "Industry studies and elite/exclusive interviews: Methodological reflections", presentation at DIGISCREEN's Kick-off workshop, Tallinn, 30-31 May.
2023 "Commissioning Screen Stories", paper presentation in panel on "Screen Story Strategies in the 21st Century" with Amanda Lotz, Anna Potter and Eva Novrup Redvall at the SCMS conference, Denver, 12-14 April.
2023 "Let's talk screenwriting: Screenwriting for children and teenagers", panel discussion at the online panel series "Let's talk screenwriting" organised by Utrecht Univeristy, 27 March.
2022 "Unge som innfødte i en global mediekultur?", presentation at Information and communication division at Stortinget's (Norwegian Parliament), Oslo, 20 December.
2022 "Hvis influenser er svaret, hva var spørsmålet?", presentation at NRK Underholdning, Oslo, 5 December.
2022 "Hvis influenser er svaret, hva var spørsmålet? Mediefrokost om jakten på de unge", presentation with Taina Bucher and discussion with Bahare Viken (NRK), Karl Oskar Teien (Schibsted) and Cornelia Kristiansen (M24) at Domus Bibliotheca, Oslo, 29 November.
2022 "Ungdom + underholdning = sant", presentation at Ungdatakonferansen, Oslo, 16 November.
2022 "Playing the game while staying true: Personally branded media producers navigating across platforms", paper presentation at the ECREA 2022 conference, Aarhus, 19-22 October.
2022 "10 år med strømming: Hva nå?", panel discussion with Cecilie Asker (Aftenposten), Håkon Lund Sørensen (NRK) and Anders Tangen (producer) at Seriedagene, Oslo, 15 September.
2022 "Television drama in the age of streaming", presentation for YLE (Finnish Broadcasting Company), online, 3 June.
2022 "The 'adoption' of personally branded media players in the Norwegian television industry", paper presentation with Marika Lüders accepted for ICA post-conference Global Perspectives on Platforms and Cultural Production, Amsterdam, 1-2 June.
2022 "Changing Production Cultures: A view from the Norwegian industry", presentation at the PhD School on Transnational VoD cultures, Aarhus University, online, 30 May-1 June.
2022 "'Young people are on YouTube': Industry notions on streaming and youth as a new media generation", paper presentation with Marika Lüders accepted for the ICA 2022 conference, Paris, 26-30 May.
2022 "Unge er på YouTube: Bransjeforestillinger om strømming og unge som en ny mediegenerasjon", presentation with Marika Lüders at X-IMK Fagdag "Hvordan nå de unge?", Oslo, 17 March.
2022 "Rådebanke: Store gutter gråter også", interview with Linn-Jeanethe Kyed (Rådebank) at Medietrender 2022, Oslo, 12 January.
2021 "Unge som 'innfødte' i en global mediekultur" introduction at Kringkastingsrådet, NRK, Oslo, 23 November.
2021 "Book presentation: Television Drama in the Age of Streaming", presentation at the Center for Medier og Innovation, Danmarks Medie- og Journalitsthøjskole, 23 November (online).
2021 "Norsk tv-drama i strømmingens tidsalder - konsekvenser for produksjon, publisering og publikum" keynote at BAM! 2021: Utfordringer, trender og muligheter i norsk film, TV og spillbransje, Inland Norway University of Applied Science, Lillehammer, 22 November.
2021 "Pørni - Breaking All the Records", interview with Henriette Steensrup (Pørni) and Vivild Falk Berg (Pørni) at THIS Series, Aarhus, 29 October.
2021 "Exit - Creating the Biggest Streaming Success of NRK", interview with Petter Testmann-Kock (Fremantle Norway) and Marianne Furevold-Boland (NRK Drama) at THIS Series, Aarhus, 29 October.
2021 "PSB and Young Audiences", commentary to Lizzie Jackson's talk "Bricolage & Fluidity: Towards 'Post Channel' PSM?" at the IAPMR@Dialogues, 26 October (online).
2021 "'Youthification' of television through online drama and real-time storytelling", talk at the International Institute for Popular Culture (IIPC) Debate series, University of Turku, 11 October (online).
2021 "Unge strømmere: Hvem er de og hvordan nå dem?", talk at Seriedagene, Oslo, 30 September.
2021 "Television Drama in the Age of Streaming" and "The Legacy of SKAM", guest lectures at the Department of Media and Communication, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 21 and 23 September.
2021 "Produktion, publicering og deltagelse i tværmedialt tv", guest lecture at the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 22 September.
2021 "Den digitale offentligheten - hovedfunn fra forskningsprosjekt", presentation with Rune Karlsen for the Department of Media and the Art at the Norwegian Ministry of Culture, Oslo, 17 September.
2021 "Unge som innfødte i en global mediekultur", talk with Marika Lüders at Medietrender Ung, Oslo, 26 August.
2021 "Cross-industry research on streaming services for music, television, film and digital books", paper presentation with Terje Colbjørnsen and Marika Lüders at the Nordmedia conference, Reykjavik, 18-20 August (online).
2021 "Young streamers and key industry lessons", paper presentation at the Critical Studies in Television biennial conference, Edge Hill University, 19 July-6 August (online).
2021 "Book launch: Television drama in the age of streaming", discussion with Ivar Køhn (NRK Drama), Knut Næsheim (NRK) and Trine Syvertsen (UiO) at "Hvordan har strømming endret mediebransjene?", Oslo, 11 June.
2021 "Populærkulturens norrøne arv", interview with Anne Bjørnstad (Rubicon TV) and Mona Ringvej (author) at Norsk litteraturfestival 2021, Lillehammer, 27 May.
2020 "Inn og ut av transmedia fanfelleskap: Studier av SKAM fans", talk at NiS (Netværksmedier i samfundet) project meeting, SDU, 9 December (online).
2020 "Young streamers and key industry lessons", talk at Aarhus Series Festival, Aarhus, 30 October.
2020 "A new sheriff in Town: Disney Pluss lanseres i Norge", discussion with Cecilie Asker (Aftenposten) and Asbjørn Slettemark (journalist) at Seriedagene, Oslo, 24 September (online).
2020 "Streaming across industries: A cross-industry study of streaming strategies and working notions in the music, television and book industries", paper presentation with Terje Colbjørnsen at the ECREA conference, Bragda, 2-5 October. Canceled due to the corona virus.
2020 "Muligheter, utfordringer og norske suksesshistorier", talk for Døves Media, Kleivstua, 1 June.
2020 "Web series and young audience fiction", presentation at Media economics and Audiovisual production day organized by imec-SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 14 May. Canceled due to the corona virus.
2020 "Innovation in Access and Discoverability of PSM Content", participation at the workshop organized by InnoPSB, London, 15 April. Canceled due to the corona virus.
2020 "Global super players in small nations: Industry tensions and opportunities for policy change", paper presentation with Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk at the Media Industry Conference, London, 16-18 April. Canceled due to the corona virus.
2020 "The streaming super users? Profiling heavy streaming users and their motivations across media industries", paper presentation with Marika Lüders at the Media Industry Conference, London, 16-18 April. Canceled due to the corona virus.
2020 "Innovation and co-creation with young people", participation at workshop organized by InnoPSB, Helsinki, 20-21 February.
2019 "The second wave: The development of real-time online drama", talk at the this.series conference, Aarhus, 29-30 October.
2019 "The youtification of television and screen culture", keynote at the Television Studies Section of ECREA, Groningen, 24-25 October.
2019 "The streaming super user: Profiling heavy streaming users and their motivations across media industries", paper presentation with Marika Lüders and Terje Colbjørnsen, Nordmedia, Malmö, 21-23 August.
2019 "Ins and outs of transmedia fandom: Motives for entering and exiting the SKAM fan community", paper presentation with Line Nybro Petersen, Nordmedia, Malmö 21-23 August.
2019 "Policy windows and converging frames: How media industry players frame digitalization and the need for policy actions", paper presentation with Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk and Kari Steen-Johnsen, ICA 2019, Washington, 24-28 May.
2019 "Digitalization and diversity: A case study of policy incentives in the news sector", paper presentation with Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk and Kari Steen-Johnsen, Riding or Lashing The Waves: Regulating Media for Diversity in a Time of Uncertainty, ICA Pre-conference, Washington, 23 May.
2019 "Fankultur i den digitale tidsalder", talk at Medietrender 2019, Oslo, 10 January.
2018 "'The Second Wave': The Development of Real-Time Online Drama", talk at The Future of TV Drama Formats - Disruptive Forces and New Opportunities in a shifting TV Market, Media City Bergen, 31 October.
2018 "Den andre bølgen. Nettdramas utvikling", talk at Nordiske seriedager, Oslo, 27 September.
2018 "Exporting Nordic Values - Online Teen Drama and Fan Culture", talk at this.conference, Aarhus, 13 September.
2018 "Producing online youth fiction in a Nordic public service context", paper presentation with Mads Møller Andersen, Transnational Television Drama Conference, Aarhus, 6 June.
2018 "'We have a crisis. Again!' How Norwegian media industry players talk about media change and the need for policy actions", paper presentation with Kari Steen-Johnsen at Media Industries Conference, London, 18-20 April.
2018 "Television and co-productions", partaking in round-table at the Global Television TV Series Conference, Paris, 15 January.
2017 Branchemøde om SKAM, talk at VIA Film & Transmedia, Aarhus, 16 November.
2017 "Når seere blir fans", talk for IFPI (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry), Oslo, 2 November.
2017 "Fortellinger, fans og felleskap: SKAM i spennfeltet mellom seer og serie", talk for Monster Productions, Oslo, 26 October.
2017 "Fortellinger, fans og felleskap", talk at Nordiske seriedager, Oslo, 21 September.
2017 "Plattformer og deres målgrupper: SKAM", talk with Mari Magnus (Online producer of SKAM) at the seminar "Bransjedagene 2017", Lillehammer, 7 September.
2017 "Hvordan kan kulturforskningen bidra i regjeringes langtidsplan for forskning og høyere utdanning?", panelist at the Ministry of Culture's cultural research policy seminar, Oslo, 6 September.
2017 "Hva kan vi lære av SKAM?", talk at the seminar "'Den nordiske broen' - Hvordan løfte nordisk innhold i den digitale tidsalderen?", part of the Norwegian International Film Festival, Haugesund, 21 August.
2017 "Når seere blir fans", talk for Egmont, 17 August.
2017 "Digitalization, globalization and the condition for national media policies - a field perspective", paper with Kari Steen-Johnsen presented at the NoPSA conference, Odense, 8-11 August.
2017 "SKAM – et sted å være, en ting å gjøre. Et akademisk blikk på publikum som fans", talk at the Kantar TNS seminar "Medietrender Ung", Oslo, 14 June.
2017 "SKAM i sosiale medier: Spennfeltet mellom seer og serie", talk at NRK Fagdag, Oslo, 8 June.
2017 "Commissioning creativity: Strategic interventions in public service drama", panel presentation at the ICA 2017 Conference Interventions: Communication Research and Practice, San Diego, 25-29 May.
2017 "SKAM i sosiale medier: Spennfeltet mellom seer og serie", talk at the internal NRK serminar "Drama på tvers", Oslo, 23 May.
2017 "Transnational circulation and unexpected success stories", talk at the PhD seminar "Transnational Television: Changing condition and research challengs: Production, creativity, distribution and reception", Aarhus, 14-17 May.
2017 "'SKAM - flermedialitet, sanntid og eventifisering", talk at the seminar "SKAM set med mediebriller!", Schæffergården, Gentofte, 26 April.
2017 "From 'secret' online teen drama to international cult phenomenon: The global expansion of SKAM and its public service mission", paper presentation at the the Conference Researching Media Companies Producing Audiovisual Content, Lillehammer, 20-21 April.
2017 "SKAM + Norden = Sant", talk at the seminar "SKAMdinavia! Den nabosprogmæssige betydning af SKAM", Schæffergården, Gentofte, 5 April.
2017 "SKAM: Fra hemmelig nettdrama til internasjonalt kultfenomen", keynote at the seminar "SKAM - en norsk public service succes", København Universitet, København, 3 April.
2017 "SKAM - bakgrunn, fortellergrep og internasjonal suksess", talk on the Norwegian youth series "SKAM" at the workshop "Norsk språk, kultur og samfunnsliv", Voksenåsen, 9 February.
2017 "SKAM - bakgrunn, fortellergrep og internasjonal suksess", talk on the Norwegian youth series "SKAM" at the workshop "Norsk språk, kultur og samfunnsliv", Lysebu, 16 January, 2 March and 17 March.
2016 "Broadcasting, the welfare state and media ecosystems: Changes and challenges for public service broadcasting", paper presentation with Trine Syvertsen at the ECREA 2016 conference Mediated (Dis)Continuities: Contesting Pasts, Presents and Futures, Prague, 9-12 November.
2016 "Production cultures across Europe: Investigating and analyzing successful companies from the independent film and television industries", panel at the ECREA 2016 conference Mediated (Dis)Continuities: Contesting Pasts, Presents and Futures, Prague, 9-12 November.
2016 "SKAM", talk on the Norwegian youth series "SKAM" (with Lucia Odoom and Lynge Stegger Gemzøe) at the festival Nordiske Nätter, Aarhus, 5 November.
2016 "Netflix – den frække dreng i klassen (Lilyhammer, Oljebarna & SKAM)", open lecture at Aarhus University, 4 November.
2016 "How to measure 'success' in transnational co-productions", presentation at the the research workshop Researching Transnational Media Circulations, Aarhus, 20 September.
2016 "The Costs of Transnational Success: How Netflix went from Companion to Competitor during the Production of Lilyhammer", presentation at the ICA 2016 conference Communication with Power, Japan, 9-13 June.
2016 "New production and distribution models in television drama: Or how a US mafia boss made Lilyhammer Netflix’s “first Original Series”", presentation at the Television in Small Nations Workshop, Cardiff, 1-2 March.
2015 "'Front potential' as a new success criterion in web-TV: Production and publishing practices in VGTV", paper presented at the RISJ conference Negotiating Culture: Integrating legacy and digital cultures in news media, Oxford, 28-30 October.
2015 "New production and distribution models in television drama: An analysis of the collaboration between Rubicon, NRK and Netflix in the making of "Lilyhammer"", paper presented at the symposium Crime Pays, Crime Days, Aarhus, 1-2 October.
2015 "How to measure “success”? Media innovation, television consumption, and the challenges of defining “the audience” in a digitalized and converged media marked", paper presented at the NordMedia conference, Copenhagen 13-15 August.
2015 "New production and distribution models in television drama: Or how a US mafia boss made "Lilyhammer" the "first original Netlix series", paper presented at the NordMedia conference, Copenhagen 13-15 August.
2015 "Transnational production and distribution models in television drama: Or how a US mafia boss put “Lilyhammer” on the map", paper presented at the TV in the age of transnationalisation and transmedialisation conference, London 22-23 June.
2015 "Still “Desperately Seeking the Audience”: Audience Making in Digitalized Television Production Cultures", paper presented at the New Directions in Film & Television Production Studies conference, Bristol 14-15 April.
2015 "Building media engagement in the age of big data: Or, the challenges of serving an online and interactive television audience", paper presented at the Media Engagement conference, Lund 19 March.
2014 "Profesjonsutvikling i fjernsynsbransjen", paper presented at Norsk medieforskerkonferanse, Trondheim, 23-24 October.
2010 with Jon Bjørtift & Arne Krumsvik "Forutsetinger for fortjeneste: En analyse av ulike delmarkeder i den norske mediebransjen", paper presented at Norsk medieforskerkonferanse, Ålesund 28-29 October.
2010 with Ole J. Mjøs & Hallvard Moe "The Functions of Buzzwords: A Comparison of Web 2.0 and Telematics", paper presented at Norsk medieforskerkonferanse, Ålesund 28-29 October.
2010 with Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk "'The Professionalism of 'Ordinariness': Managing a non-professional media career", paper presented at the ECREA conference, Hamburg 12-16 October.
2010 "Nye medier sett gjennom gamle mediers øyne", paper presented at the seminar Om journalistikkens utfordringer; Lysebu 13-14 September.
2009 with Gunn Enli, Hallvard Moe & Trine Syvertsen "Fears and Fascinations: Five debates about television", paper presented at the Ends of Television conference, Amsterdam, 29-1 July.
2009 "Hva betyr de sosiale mediene for den politiske journalistikken i de tradisjonelle mediene", presentation at Stortingets presselosje, Oslo, 17 November.
2007 "Konsepter for brukergenerert innhold. Eksperimentet Rubenmann", presentation at New Media Network, Oslo, 5 December.
2007 with Tanja Storsul "The mobile media market - how open? A study of Telenor's mobile media strategies", paper presented at the CICT 4th International Conference on Mobile Media, Copenhagen, 29-30 November.
2007 "Brukergenerert innhold og communities på mobilen", presentation at the seminar Når dialog endrer mediene, Oslo, 20 September.
2007 "Eksperimentet "Rubenmann". Plattformekspansjon, innovasjon og publikumsdeltakelse i NRK", paper presented at the NordMedia conference, Helsinki, 16-18 August.
2006 "Etablerte medieinstitusjoners satsning på nye medieplattformer", presentation at RAMs annual meeting, Oslo, 28 November.
2006, "The dream of mobile TV: Established media institutions' development of mobile media", paper presented at the RIPE@2006 Conference, Amsterdam, 16-18 November.
2006 "Interesser og posisjoneringsstrategier i digital-TV-markedet", panel at the Landsrådet i Norsk Journalistlag, Oslo 14 November.
2006 with Arnt Maasø & Trine Syvertsen "'Noe for alle. Alltid' - Ti grunner til at mediebransjen satser på publikumdeltakelse", paper presented at Norsk medieforskerkonferanse, Bergen, 19-20 October.
2006 "The dream of mobil TV: Established media institutions' development of mobile media", paper presented at Norsk medieforskerkonferanse, Bergen, 19-20 October.
2006 with Espen Ytreberg "Jakten på superbrukeren - hvem er de mest aktive mediedeltakerne?", paper presented at the seminar Mediedeltakeren - et medievitenskapelig formidlingsseminar, Oslo 21 September.
2006 with Espen Ytreberg "Born to participate", paper presented at the ESF SCSS Exploratory Workshop ("Public Participation in Multi-Platform Media"), Lysebu, 1-3 September.
2006 "Multi-platform formats and audience participation in press and television: Perceptions of benefits, successful formats and business models", paper presented at the COST A20 Conference, Delphi, 26-28 April.
2006 "Hva skjer med konkurransen mellom TV-tilbyderne når det digitale bakkenettet er i gang?", presentation at Digital TV Forum. Oslo, 15 February.
2005 with Gunn Enli "Institutional strategies in times of regulatory change: Radio institutions battling for dominance in a political, symbolic, legal and economic arena", paper presented at the NordMedia conference, Aalborg, 11-14 November.
2003 "P4 - en allmennkringkaster? Allmennkringkastingsrådets syn på P4s sendinger i tiden 1995-2002", presentation at RAMs annual conference, Oslo, 5 November.