Upcoming publications
with Kari Steen-Johnsen "Theories of the Policy Process", to be published in Robin Mansell, Manuel Puppis and Hilde Van den Bulck (eds.) Handbook of Media and Communication Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing.
with Nina Vindum Rasmussen "Negotiating content rights with global streamers in small markets: A case study of Denmark's 'streaming crisis', to be published in Gunnar Iversen and Mariah Larsson (eds.) Handbook of Nordic Cinema. Intellect.
with Nina Vindum Rasmussen "Negotiating content rights with global streamers in small markets: A case study of Denmark's 'streaming crisis', to be published in Gunnar Iversen and Mariah Larsson (eds.) Handbook of Nordic Cinema. Intellect.
2021 Television Drama in the Age of Streaming - Transnational Strategies and Digital Production Cultures at the NRK. Cham.: Palgrave Pivot.
2010 with Gunn Enli, Hallvard Moe and Trine Syvertsen TV - en innføring. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
2010 with Gunn Enli, Hallvard Moe and Trine Syvertsen TV - en innføring. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Journal articles
2023 with Marika Lüders "Globalt innfødte som en tapt generasjon? En konseptualisering av unge som en mediegenerasjon", Norsk medietidsskrift 30(1): 1-12, peer-reviewed.
2023 with Marika Lüders "Young people are on YouTube: Industry notions on streaming and youth as a new media generation", Journal of Media Business Studies, 20(3): 223-240. Published online first 2022, peer-reviewed.
2023 with Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk "Global platforms and asymmetrical power: Industry dynamics and opportunities for policy change", New Media & Society 25(8): 2183-2200. Published online first 2021, peer-reviewed.
2022 with Marika Lüders "Conceptualizing the experiential affordances of watching online TV", Television & New Media 23(4): 335-351, peer-reviewed.
2021 "Provocation: Why I want to talk television with global platform representatives", Critical Studies in Television 16(4): 455-461, peer-reviewed.
2021 "'Youthification' of drama through real-time storytelling: A production study of blank and the legacy of SKAM", Critical Studies in Television 16(2): 145-162, peer-reviewed.
2021 with Terje Colbjørnsen "Streaming across industries: Streaming logics and streaming lore across the music, film, television, and book industries", Mediekultur 37(70): 12-31, peer-reviewed.
2021 with Marika Lüders and Terje Colbjørnsen "Towards streaming as a dominant mode of media use? A user typology approach to music and television streaming", Nordicom Review 42(1): 35-57, peer-reviewed.
2021 with Line Nybro Petersen "Ins and outs of transmedia fandom: Motives for entering and exiting the SKAM fan community online", Poetics 74(101510): 1-18. Published online first 2020, peer-reviewed.
2021 with Trine Syvertsen "From problem to solution? Why it is difficult to restrict the remit of public broadcasters", International Journal of Cultural Policy 27(4): 499-512. Published online first 2020, peer-reviewed.
2020 with Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk and Kari Steen-Johnsen "Policy windows and converging frames: A longitudinal study of digitalization and media policy change", Media, Culture & Society 42(5): 711-726. Published online first 2019, peer-reviewed.
2020 "From 'secret' online teen drama to international cult phenomenon: The global expansion of SKAM and its public service mission", Critical Studies in Television 15(1): 69-89. Published online first 2019, peer-reviewed.
2019 with Mads Møller Tommerup Andersen "Producing Online Youth Fiction in a Nordic Public Service Context", VIEW - Journal of European Television History and Culture 8(16): 110-125, peer-reviewed.
2019 with Line Nybro Petersen "Play moods across the life course in SKAM fandom", Journal of Fandom Studies 7(2): 113-131, peer-reviewed.
2019 with Kari Steen-Johnsen and Bernard Enjolras "Theorizing policy-industry processes: A media policy field approach", European Journal of Communication 34(2): 190-204, peer-reviewed.
2017 with Eva Bakøy "'Remember, it's just television.' Rubicon TV and the commercialisation of Norwegian television", VIEW - Journal of European Television History and Culture 6(11): 53-69, peer-reviewed.
2017 "'Det er bare du som kan føle det du føler' - emosjonell investering og engasjement i nettdramaet SKAM", 16:9 filmtidsskrift, peer-reviewed.
2017 "Behovesdrevet tenåringsdrama", essay published in DANSKNOTER 10(3): 11-13.
2016 "Still 'Desperately seeking the audience'? Audience making in the age of media convergence (the Lilyhammer experience)", Northern Lights, vol. 14:1; 11-27, peer-reviewed.
2015 "Sosiale medier og politisk kommunikasjon" [Social media and political communication], introduction to special issue on social media and political communication, Norsk medietidsskrift 3/2015.
2014 with Hallvard Moe and Ole J. Mjøs "The Functions of Buzzwords: A Comparison of ‘Web 2.0’ and ‘Telematics’", First Monday, vol. 19, peer-reviewed.
2013 with Gunn Enli, Hallvard Moe and Trine Syvertsen “From Fear of Television to Fear for Television: Five Political Debates about New Technologies”, Media History 19(2): 213-227, peer-reviewed.
2011 with Arne Krumsvik "Etablerte medier og deres forutsetning for fortjeneste: En komparativ analyse av konkurranseforholdene i norsk avis-, radio- og fjernsynsbransje" [Established Media and Their Preconditions for Profitability: A comparative analysis of competition conditions in the Norwegian newspaper, radio and television industries], Norsk medietidsskrift 14(3): 188-216, peer-reviewed.
2010 with Yngvar Kjus "Medienes selvopptatthet" [The medias' egotism], Norsk medietidsskrift 17(1): 77-83.
2009 with Espen Ytreberg “Working notions of active audiences: Further research on the active participant in convergent media industries”, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technology 15(4): 383-390, peer-reviewed.
2009 with Faltin Karlsen, Trine Syvertsen and Espen Ytreberg “Non-professional Activity on Television in a Time of Digitalisation. More Fun for the Elite or New Opportunities for Ordinary People”, Nordicom Review 30(1): 19-36, peer-reviewed.
2009 "Innovasjon og nyskapning i NRK: En analyse av plattform- og sjangerbruk i Rubenmann-prosjektet" [Innovation and Creativity at NRK: An Analysis of Platform and Genre in the Rubenmann Project], Norsk medietidsskrift 14(4): 282-307, peer-reviewed.
2007 with Gunn Enli "Strategies in Times of Regulatory Change: A Norwegian Case Study on the Battle for a Commercial Radio Licence”, Media, Culture & Society 29(5): 707-725, peer-reviewed.
2007 with Arnt Maasø and Trine Syvertsen “’Fordi de fortjener det’. Publikumsdeltakelse som strategisk utviklingsområdet i mediebransjen" [“Because They Deserve It”: Audience Participation as a Strategic Development Area in the Media Industry], Norsk medietidsskrift 14(2): 126-154, peer-reviewed.
2004 with Gunn Enli "'Fornyelse vil være det normale'. Mediepolitiske utfordringer og markedsaktørenes strategier i kampen om konsesjonen for riksdekkende radio (P4) i Norge", Nordicom Information 26(1): 59-70, peer-reviewed.
2023 with Marika Lüders "Young people are on YouTube: Industry notions on streaming and youth as a new media generation", Journal of Media Business Studies, 20(3): 223-240. Published online first 2022, peer-reviewed.
2023 with Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk "Global platforms and asymmetrical power: Industry dynamics and opportunities for policy change", New Media & Society 25(8): 2183-2200. Published online first 2021, peer-reviewed.
2022 with Marika Lüders "Conceptualizing the experiential affordances of watching online TV", Television & New Media 23(4): 335-351, peer-reviewed.
2021 "Provocation: Why I want to talk television with global platform representatives", Critical Studies in Television 16(4): 455-461, peer-reviewed.
2021 "'Youthification' of drama through real-time storytelling: A production study of blank and the legacy of SKAM", Critical Studies in Television 16(2): 145-162, peer-reviewed.
2021 with Terje Colbjørnsen "Streaming across industries: Streaming logics and streaming lore across the music, film, television, and book industries", Mediekultur 37(70): 12-31, peer-reviewed.
2021 with Marika Lüders and Terje Colbjørnsen "Towards streaming as a dominant mode of media use? A user typology approach to music and television streaming", Nordicom Review 42(1): 35-57, peer-reviewed.
2021 with Line Nybro Petersen "Ins and outs of transmedia fandom: Motives for entering and exiting the SKAM fan community online", Poetics 74(101510): 1-18. Published online first 2020, peer-reviewed.
2021 with Trine Syvertsen "From problem to solution? Why it is difficult to restrict the remit of public broadcasters", International Journal of Cultural Policy 27(4): 499-512. Published online first 2020, peer-reviewed.
2020 with Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk and Kari Steen-Johnsen "Policy windows and converging frames: A longitudinal study of digitalization and media policy change", Media, Culture & Society 42(5): 711-726. Published online first 2019, peer-reviewed.
2020 "From 'secret' online teen drama to international cult phenomenon: The global expansion of SKAM and its public service mission", Critical Studies in Television 15(1): 69-89. Published online first 2019, peer-reviewed.
2019 with Mads Møller Tommerup Andersen "Producing Online Youth Fiction in a Nordic Public Service Context", VIEW - Journal of European Television History and Culture 8(16): 110-125, peer-reviewed.
2019 with Line Nybro Petersen "Play moods across the life course in SKAM fandom", Journal of Fandom Studies 7(2): 113-131, peer-reviewed.
2019 with Kari Steen-Johnsen and Bernard Enjolras "Theorizing policy-industry processes: A media policy field approach", European Journal of Communication 34(2): 190-204, peer-reviewed.
2017 with Eva Bakøy "'Remember, it's just television.' Rubicon TV and the commercialisation of Norwegian television", VIEW - Journal of European Television History and Culture 6(11): 53-69, peer-reviewed.
2017 "'Det er bare du som kan føle det du føler' - emosjonell investering og engasjement i nettdramaet SKAM", 16:9 filmtidsskrift, peer-reviewed.
2017 "Behovesdrevet tenåringsdrama", essay published in DANSKNOTER 10(3): 11-13.
2016 "Still 'Desperately seeking the audience'? Audience making in the age of media convergence (the Lilyhammer experience)", Northern Lights, vol. 14:1; 11-27, peer-reviewed.
2015 "Sosiale medier og politisk kommunikasjon" [Social media and political communication], introduction to special issue on social media and political communication, Norsk medietidsskrift 3/2015.
2014 with Hallvard Moe and Ole J. Mjøs "The Functions of Buzzwords: A Comparison of ‘Web 2.0’ and ‘Telematics’", First Monday, vol. 19, peer-reviewed.
2013 with Gunn Enli, Hallvard Moe and Trine Syvertsen “From Fear of Television to Fear for Television: Five Political Debates about New Technologies”, Media History 19(2): 213-227, peer-reviewed.
2011 with Arne Krumsvik "Etablerte medier og deres forutsetning for fortjeneste: En komparativ analyse av konkurranseforholdene i norsk avis-, radio- og fjernsynsbransje" [Established Media and Their Preconditions for Profitability: A comparative analysis of competition conditions in the Norwegian newspaper, radio and television industries], Norsk medietidsskrift 14(3): 188-216, peer-reviewed.
2010 with Yngvar Kjus "Medienes selvopptatthet" [The medias' egotism], Norsk medietidsskrift 17(1): 77-83.
2009 with Espen Ytreberg “Working notions of active audiences: Further research on the active participant in convergent media industries”, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technology 15(4): 383-390, peer-reviewed.
2009 with Faltin Karlsen, Trine Syvertsen and Espen Ytreberg “Non-professional Activity on Television in a Time of Digitalisation. More Fun for the Elite or New Opportunities for Ordinary People”, Nordicom Review 30(1): 19-36, peer-reviewed.
2009 "Innovasjon og nyskapning i NRK: En analyse av plattform- og sjangerbruk i Rubenmann-prosjektet" [Innovation and Creativity at NRK: An Analysis of Platform and Genre in the Rubenmann Project], Norsk medietidsskrift 14(4): 282-307, peer-reviewed.
2007 with Gunn Enli "Strategies in Times of Regulatory Change: A Norwegian Case Study on the Battle for a Commercial Radio Licence”, Media, Culture & Society 29(5): 707-725, peer-reviewed.
2007 with Arnt Maasø and Trine Syvertsen “’Fordi de fortjener det’. Publikumsdeltakelse som strategisk utviklingsområdet i mediebransjen" [“Because They Deserve It”: Audience Participation as a Strategic Development Area in the Media Industry], Norsk medietidsskrift 14(2): 126-154, peer-reviewed.
2004 with Gunn Enli "'Fornyelse vil være det normale'. Mediepolitiske utfordringer og markedsaktørenes strategier i kampen om konsesjonen for riksdekkende radio (P4) i Norge", Nordicom Information 26(1): 59-70, peer-reviewed.
Book chapters
2023 "Public service youth content on social media platforms: Reaching youth through YouTube", pp. 79-98 in Pia Majbritt Jensen, Eva Novrup Redvall and Christa Lykke Christensen (eds.) Audiovisual content for children and adolescents in Scandinavia: Production, distribution and reception in a multiplatform era. Gothenburg: Nordicom.
2020 "Drama as flagship productions: Small nation television and digital distribution", pp. 147-165 in Anne Marit Waade, Eva Novrup Redvall and Pia Majbritt Jensen (eds.) Danish Television Drama: Global Lessons from a Small Nation. Palgrave MacMillan.
2020 "'Will it translate?' SKAM som remake", pp. 68-89 in Andreas Halskov, Henrik Højer, Mathias Bonde Korsgaard, Thomas Schwartz Larsen and Jakob Isak Nielsen (eds.) Streaming for viderekomne. Fra Doggystyle til Black Mirror og The Jinx. Aarhus: VIA Film & Transmedia.
2017 "Co-Produced Television Drama and the Cost of Transnational Success: The Making of Lilyhammer", pp. 67-88 in Eva Bakøy, Roel Puijk and Andrew Spicer (eds.) Building Successful and Sustainable Film and Television Businesses: A Cross-National Perspective. Bristol: Intellect.
2016 "VGTV-serien Oljebarna: Produksjon og publisering av tv for nett", pp. 121-141 in Eva Bakøy, Tore Helseth and Roel Puijk (eds.) Bak kamera. Norsk film og TV i et produksjonsperspektiv. Vallset: Oplandske bokforlag.
2016 "Den private tv-industrien i Norge: En medieøkologisk analyse", pp. 29-46 in Eva Bakøy, Tore Helseth and Roel Puijk (eds.) Bak kamera. Norsk film og TV i et produksjonsperspektiv. Vallset: Oplandske bokforlag.
2007 "The Dream of Mobile Media", pp. 87-113 in Tanja Storsul and Dagny Stuedahl (eds.) Ambivalence Towards Convergence. Digitalization and Media Change. Göteborg: Nordicom.
2006 with Tanja Storsul "Digital Terrestrial Television in Scandinavia" in Fausto Colombo and Nicoletta Vittadini (eds.) Digitising TV. Theoretical Issues and Comparative Studies across Europe. Milano: Vita e Pensiero.
2020 "Drama as flagship productions: Small nation television and digital distribution", pp. 147-165 in Anne Marit Waade, Eva Novrup Redvall and Pia Majbritt Jensen (eds.) Danish Television Drama: Global Lessons from a Small Nation. Palgrave MacMillan.
2020 "'Will it translate?' SKAM som remake", pp. 68-89 in Andreas Halskov, Henrik Højer, Mathias Bonde Korsgaard, Thomas Schwartz Larsen and Jakob Isak Nielsen (eds.) Streaming for viderekomne. Fra Doggystyle til Black Mirror og The Jinx. Aarhus: VIA Film & Transmedia.
2017 "Co-Produced Television Drama and the Cost of Transnational Success: The Making of Lilyhammer", pp. 67-88 in Eva Bakøy, Roel Puijk and Andrew Spicer (eds.) Building Successful and Sustainable Film and Television Businesses: A Cross-National Perspective. Bristol: Intellect.
2016 "VGTV-serien Oljebarna: Produksjon og publisering av tv for nett", pp. 121-141 in Eva Bakøy, Tore Helseth and Roel Puijk (eds.) Bak kamera. Norsk film og TV i et produksjonsperspektiv. Vallset: Oplandske bokforlag.
2016 "Den private tv-industrien i Norge: En medieøkologisk analyse", pp. 29-46 in Eva Bakøy, Tore Helseth and Roel Puijk (eds.) Bak kamera. Norsk film og TV i et produksjonsperspektiv. Vallset: Oplandske bokforlag.
2007 "The Dream of Mobile Media", pp. 87-113 in Tanja Storsul and Dagny Stuedahl (eds.) Ambivalence Towards Convergence. Digitalization and Media Change. Göteborg: Nordicom.
2006 with Tanja Storsul "Digital Terrestrial Television in Scandinavia" in Fausto Colombo and Nicoletta Vittadini (eds.) Digitising TV. Theoretical Issues and Comparative Studies across Europe. Milano: Vita e Pensiero.
2012 Making Sense of Mobile Media: Institutional Working Notions, Strategies and Actions in Convergent Media Markets, PhD Thesis, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo.
2004 Overgang til digital fjernsynsdistribusjon: Argumenter, konflikter og allianser i Norge og Danmark [Digital television distribution: Arguments, conflicts and alliances in Norway and Denmark], Master thesis, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo.
2004 Overgang til digital fjernsynsdistribusjon: Argumenter, konflikter og allianser i Norge og Danmark [Digital television distribution: Arguments, conflicts and alliances in Norway and Denmark], Master thesis, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo.